West Elementary students from Mrs. Kuebrich's and Mrs. Durie's classes participated in family reading night on Wednesday, April 12th. Students and their families enjoyed activities revolving around the book "The Hungry Caterpillar", including: Making caterpillar necklaces; making a "Feed the Caterpillar" language box; making and eating a butterfly snack: and a caterpillar color matching game with tongs. It was a great night!!!
almost 2 years ago, Jerseyville West Elementary
family reading night
family reading night
Hey Panther Families! 2023-2024 Online Registration is now open for returning students! Please help us prepare for next year by logging into Skyward Family Access to complete the registration steps.
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Re-registration 2023-24
West Elementary Families---please let this message serve as a reminder that our Family Reading Night and Scholastic Book Fair are happening tonight (April 11)! The book fair will be open from 4-7pm and Family Reading Night Activities are happening from 5:30-6:30. The Scholastic Book Fair will also be open April 12 from 4-7pm. We hope to see you for these fun activities!
almost 2 years ago, Jerseyville West Elementary
family reading night
JCMS incoming 5th Grade and New Student Transition Activities coming soon! Parents of current 4th graders and new students to JCMS, please review the upcoming transition activities that are coming up!
almost 2 years ago, Jersey Community High School
JCMS Panther Pulse Newsletter April 2023 Click to view: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tSjHe31LTncD9bRMlD_B-Ow3SkB5dzWw/view?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, Jersey Community High School
Wishing you a season filled with peace, joy, and beautiful weather. Happy Easter!
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Happy Easter 2023
JCHS Advanced Design wants YOU to vote! Stop into Ivy + Blush to VOTE for your favorite Denim Upcyle and Jersey County themed t-shirt. One vote per customer per item. This student created display will be set up for one week!👖💙🐾
almost 2 years ago, Workforce Development
Grafton Elementary students were recognized at an assembly for their display of courage throughout the month of March. Congratulations, Jr. Panthers!
almost 2 years ago, Grafton Elementary
Today is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day, and we would love to recognize all of ours in Jersey 100! Thank you for inspiring, challenging, and supporting our students each and every day! We appreciate YOU! #WhereKidsComeFirst Row 1: Mindy Ayres, Savanna Benware, Sara Eickoff, Shelby Eisler Row 2: Laura Fink, Dana Fitzgibbons, Stephanie Frazier, Ali Gettings, Madelynn Gilman, Diana Goetten, Jill Heitzig, Gail Isringhausen, Gina Isringhausen, Danielle Jones Row 3: Dee Jones, Kathryn Jones, Rose Latempt, Sherri Lichtenberger, Sue Long, Tracy Madson, Jaimee McKinnon, Kristi Nasello, Judy Nurnberger, Amy Perdun Row 4: Jennifer Pfleger, Donna Phillips, Cheryl Rawe, Sandra Roberts, Becky Robishaw, Jennifer Rogers, Mindy Schulte, Mary Scott Row 5: Krista Talkington, Barb Terpening, Leanne Thompson, Kelli Travers, Sharon Vanausdoll, Hannah Wade Rows 6: Crystal Wedig, Beth White, Ellen Wieneke, Rhonda Wieneke Row 7: Tammy Wilson Not pictured are Kristy Bradshaw, Amanda Dey, and Kinsey Tittsworth
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Paraprofessional Appreciation 2023
JCMS - One Book, One School 24 Hours in Nowhere by Dusti Bowling On April 14th, author Dusti Bowling will be traveling from Arizona to JCMS for special presentations and to sign books for our students! From 3:15-4:30 pm, Dusti will be in the JCMS Library for a community meet and greet. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Jersey Community High School
JCMS Track & Field Invite Our Panthers were fast and furious tonight in our home invite that featured 9 area teams! 7th Boys - 1st 7th Girls - 1st 8th Boys - 1st 8th Girls - 2nd
almost 2 years ago, Jersey Community High School
Attention Jersey 100! Bus 2 will be delayed approximately 20 to 30 minutes in getting students home tonight. We apologize for any inconvenience.
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Bus 2 Delayed
What makes Jersey 100 a great place to be? We will show you! This is number three of three videos. #WhereKidsComeFirst https://youtu.be/8D7TmK2xWwE
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Design students took a walk to admire the yarn bomb installation at The City Center! 💐 🧶 ☀️ These students stitched flowers, granny squares. Some were crochet instructors to community members on Sundays at Germania and the participants in installment too. 👏 This masterpiece was made possible by Jersey County Arts Council! 🖼 🎨 🪡
almost 2 years ago, Workforce Development
Students from JCHS visited the Jersey County Arts Council to create butterflies that will be added to the community yarn bomb project located at The City Center. Thank you to Mrs. Sherry Droste and the JCAC for having us! Nice work, everyone! #GoJerseyPanthers #WhereKidsComeFirst
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Butterfly Creation at JCAC
Butterfly Creation at JCAC 2
Butterfly Creation at JCAC 3
Butterfly Creation at JCAC 4
Happy National School Librarian Day to our Library Media Specialists, Becca Leslie and Jim Bosomworth, and our Library Paraprofessional, Judy Nurnberger! Thank you for your infinite service to our students and staff in Jersey 100. We appreciate YOU! #WhereKidsComeFirst
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
School Librarian Day 2023
There will be no school for students Thursday, April 6th, for Staff Professional Development, and schools will be closed from April 7th -10th for Easter Break. Enjoy the time off! School will resume on Tuesday, April 11th.
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Easter Break 2023
JCHS Advanced Design students completed a project using a skill that they have developed in class. Morgan and Vivian both chose a crochet pattern to stitch tops! 🧶 💙 🐾
almost 2 years ago, Workforce Development
Don't miss this opportunity to hear the inspirational story from Paul Cook and how he overcame his struggles with drug addiction.
almost 2 years ago, JCAD Coalition
Students from Grafton Elementary were recently recognized for joining the 400 STEP CLUB. Each step represents 15 minutes of reading outside the school day. These students have read at least 100 hours this year. Congratulations!
almost 2 years ago, Grafton Elementary
400 Club