JCMS Update! It is WAY too quiet around here, so Dr. Brunaugh and Mr. Leslie asked students and teachers to communicate on Flipgrid about their learning from home this week. We are getting some great reports!
This link is to a meal survey that will help us determine if additional locations in the county will help families that would like to participate in the meal program.
If you do not plan to participate, you do not need to complete this survey.
Reminder that the Jersey 100 School Board meeting was moved to Wednesday (3/18/2020) this month, and it will be held in the same location, however, the meeting will be shown on the TV in the lobby.
For the complete notice, click https://5il.co/dw5z
West Elementary is so PROUD of our students and their families who continue to learn even while we can't be together! Thanks so much for keeping the learning going!
Jersey 100 continues to work hard to make sure that our students have the nutrition they need to keep learning at home during these trying times! Watch for more information later today. #GoJerseyPanthers
A special thank you to the JCHS faculty and staff for all their flexibility and support during these unprecedented times. Our community is very fortunate!
JCHS is postponing all 8th grade registration appointments. The Guidance office will reschedule when school resumes.
ABC Mouse has graciously granted free access during the school closure. Please encourage Pre-K to 8th grade students to take advantage!
Official announcements concerning JCHS will come from the Jersey 100 app, @JerseyPanthers, @JCHSAthletics, & Jersey Community Unit School District No.100 Facebook.
LCCC and The Telegraph just notified area high schools that the Silver Medallion Banquet scheduled for April 16 has been postponed. More information regarding a new date will be announced at a later time.
Teachers at JCMS and all of Jersey 100 are working in overdrive to make life as normal as possible for their students! When we all work together for our kids, we’ve got this!
All JCHS after school extracurricular activities have been cancelled or postponed for tonight, Monday, March 16, 2020. This includes practices and banquets.
Click the link below for the Superintendent's Update.
Spring athletes, per IHSA rules, you can't practice or compete with your club team if it's the same sport your are currently participating in. Example: JCHS softball ladies can't practice or compete with their club softball team.
All JCHS Extracurricular Activities, beginning Tuesday, March 17,2020 are "postponed" through at least March 30, 2020. This includes all practices, games, and events.
Things might be crazy right now, but our JCMS Panthers are still PAWSitive!!
This important message contains multiple pieces of information.
First, Gov. Pritzger announced that all Illinois public schools will closed 3/17/20–3/30/20. We will be in session Monday, March 16.
Click this link for the full message... https://5il.co/dpvh
Based on Governor Pritzker's recommendation of postponing gatherings of over 250 people, JCHS is postponing the 3-17-20 NHS ceremony and the Thursday (3-19-20) - Sunday (3-22-20) Bye Bye Birdie performances.
Superintendent's Update 3/13/2020
School districts are faced with the very difficult position to balance student and staff health and safety...
Click this link to see the full letter from the Superintendent: https://5il.co/dpdb
Jersey 100 - COVID 19 UPDATE
Jersey 100 is working with local & state health depts to provide your child the safest environment possible. Guidelines are in place to stop the spread of communicable diseases, such as COVID-19.