JCMS students and staff of the month for January. Students: 7-Kaylynn Smith, 6-Kelli Dooley, 5-Emmy Rothe. Staff: Emily Fry, Leanne Thompson, Christy Schilling, Stephanie Warren. Thanks for making JCMS a great place to be.
almost 2 years ago, Jersey Community Middle School
East Elementatry had a great day at the Olympiad .
almost 2 years ago, JCMS Tech Club
East 1
East 2
East 3
East 4
Students from Grafton Elementary had a great day at the 3rd and 4th grade Olympiad.
almost 2 years ago, JCMS Tech Club
Grafton 1
Grafton 2
Grafton 3
Grafton 4
Congratulations to these Grafton students for demonstrating respect during the month of January.
almost 2 years ago, Grafton Elementary
2023 January Respect
JCHS Seniors has the opportunity to attend SIUE Field Trip. Jerseyville local and SIUE employee, Katie Green, arranged a top notch experience including department, classroom, and lab tours, art gallery observations, and the student life perspective of the food court and fitness center. Thank you Katie and and SIUE!
almost 2 years ago, Workforce Development
Due to icy road conditions, there will be no school today, Monday, January 30th. All decisions about extracurricular activities will be made by noon and communicated by social media.
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
No School Monday January 30th
The JCHS Bowling Team rolled a team score of 952 for game one. Game two is in progress now. After game three, they will get a lunch break, then bowl games 4, 5, and 6. We will update after each game.
almost 2 years ago, JCHS Athletics and Activities
Mrs. Heitzig’s Intro to Design students crocheted headbands and hats for the cold weather. They are an impressive and motivated group!
almost 2 years ago, Workforce Development
JCMS Wrestling took down Litchfield 41-40 in an exciting night on the mats!
almost 2 years ago, Jersey Community High School
Congrats to the JCHS Class of 2023 Illinois State Scholars! This year's JCHS Illinois State Scholars will receive a one time $8,000 scholarship from the Frank and Edith Catt Educational Fund!
almost 2 years ago, Jersey Community High School
IL State Scholars
IL State Scholars
Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 25th, will be a snow day for all of Jersey 100. All decisions about extra curricular activities will be decided by noon and communicated by social media.
almost 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Snow Day 01/25/23
Jersey Community Middle School 2nd Quarter Honor Roll
almost 2 years ago, Jersey Community High School
Jersey Community Middle School 2nd Quarter High Honor Roll
almost 2 years ago, Jersey Community High School
Island Naming Day at JCMS Today, two Natural Resources Specialist from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers came to tell our students more about the Piasa & Eagle’s Nest Island Naming Contest in which JCMS students have been invited to participate in. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis District is asking for help in naming three newly- constructed islands located in the Upper Mississippi Navigation Pool #26. These islands are being constructed as part of the Piasa and Eagle’s Nest Islands Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Project. Three winners will be selected and the authors of those three names will be invited to the National Great Rivers Museum for a ceremony in May.
about 2 years ago, Jersey Community Middle School
The teachers at JCMS are working hard to recognize some awesome students! In just the first few weeks of 3rd quarter over 225 Pawsative Panthers were handed out.
about 2 years ago, Jersey Community Middle School
On Thursday, Paul Cook, radio personality and author spoke with P3D students during Panther Time and with psychology students in Ms. Dwyer's room.
about 2 years ago, JCAD Coalition
Paul Cook and P3D
Paul Cook talks
JCHS Seniors: Scholarship bulletin #4 is available! There are several new local scholarships that have been added to the bulletin. Check it out! https://sites.google.com/jersey100.org/menu/scholarship-information
about 2 years ago, Jersey Community High School
Mrs. Carol Swearingin is sharing her talent of wool braided rug making with JCHS Advanced Design and allowed students the opportunity to participate too! In addition, she’s providing materials that are conveniently prepped. Due to time constraints, students will end with a hot mat or bowl. Thank you for volunteering your time and sharing your passion, Carol! We appreciate you! 🪡
about 2 years ago, Workforce Development
Karen Schnettgoecke, Interior Designer, owner, and operator of Rural Life Design Co., shared her story of making her big dream become a reality with JCHS Advanced Design. She demonstrated software layouts for new construction, remodeling, and makeovers. It was inspiring and impressive! Thank you, Karen! 🏡
about 2 years ago, Workforce Development
Jersey 100 would like to congratulate ALL staff members who received a shout-out from their peers in January! Tiffany Phillips(JCHS), Christine Herkert(JCMS), Shelby Roth(East), Judy Nurnberger(West), Henry Genisio(Grafton), Nikki Baddela(Unit Office), Vince Wittman(Maintenance)
about 2 years ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Staff of the Month - January 2023