There's room for everyone at West on the nice list!
about 1 year ago, JESSICA RAY
JCHS wants to extend a BIG thank you to the Yagan Family Foundation for supporting the JCHS Maker Space and our Woods Program. The Maker Space at JCHS is a place for all students and staff to design, explore and build projects and the CTE Woods/Construction offerings afford students a hands on, real world experience that is invaluable. The donated funds are very special and will impact so many students. We are truly blessed and appreciative of the special gift.
about 1 year ago, Jersey Community High School
To celebrate the holiday season, the JCHS Spanish department participated in holiday traditions from multiple Spanish-speaking countries. These traditions were the Tio de Nadal (a gift-giving tradition from parts of Spain), La Noche de los Rábanos (Radish carving competition from Oaxaca, Mexico), and piñatas (tradition from multiple countries). Students enjoyed learning about traditions that were unique from their own!
about 1 year ago, JerseyTechCoach
Navidad 2
Season's Greeting from Mrs. Noble's 3rd grade class. Enjoy their retelling of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.'
about 1 year ago, JCMS Tech Club
The JCMS Youth Activation Committee recently held a poster contest. The winners will have their posters displayed in the library! 1st place: Lillie Wilfong 2nd place: Ryker Pfleger 3rd place: Mia Wyatt Honorable Mention: Caroline Schmidt and Anna Dennison (not pictured)
about 1 year ago, Jersey Community High School
Get ready for a Whoville-worthy twist on car line duty! Today, Grafton Elementary had a surprise visitor who brought holiday cheer (and maybe a little mischief) to the drop-off line: the Grinch himself!
about 1 year ago, Grafton Elementary
Wishing you a safe & joyful Winter Break! Embrace the season, share moments with loved ones, and make memories to treasure. Whether you're traveling or enjoying the comforts of home, stay warm and stay safe. We are excited to see you in the new year! Check out the Winter Break schedule below.
about 1 year ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Winter Break 2023
American Legion Post 648 presented JCMS with this plaque for the hard work and dedication of our Student Council, students, and staff in our annual Wounded Warrior Run - over $7,500 was raised to support our local veterans!
about 1 year ago, Jersey Community High School
The first graders made birthday cards for Mickey Mouse's birthday in November. Today we got a letter from Mickey and a signed picture for every first grader!
about 1 year ago, Grafton Elementary
Disney Picture
Grafton’s 1st graders are bookworms AND authors! They wrote and published their own research books, and then they got to share their books with each other!
about 1 year ago, Sarah Harlan
Grafton 1st Grade sharing their research books
Grafton Elementary loves learning coding with Mrs. Lamer!
about 1 year ago, Sarah Harlan
Grafton Elementary Coding
Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade students at Grafton Elementary put on one of the cutest holiday concerts this side of the North Pole!
about 1 year ago, Sarah Harlan
Grafton Music Program
Senior Adobe Intern Hunter Gunning has been working with Ms. Striegel’s class. Hunter partnered with each student, allowing them to design and engrave their design on a cutting board. Thanks Hunter, Ms. Striegel and her students.
about 1 year ago, JCMS Tech Club
Please vote for your favorite hand-sewn Not So Ugly Christmas Sweaters by clicking this link!
about 1 year ago, Workforce Development
The halls at West are full of Holiday Cheer. Our students and staff are so creative!
about 1 year ago, JESSICA RAY
Horticulture and Greenhouse classes are making wreaths! Evergreen donated by Mrs. Lamar!
about 1 year ago, Workforce Development
Sophomore Sophia Sutton with her winter design for one of the JCHS bulletin boards. Sophie is currently taking Intro to Photoshop. We thank her for sharing her artistic talent with us.
about 1 year ago, JerseyTechCoach
PAC Fall Trading Cards have arrived! Seniors will be signing TONIGHT from 6-7 p.m. at JCHS in the main lobby. One full deck of cards per student who shows up!
about 1 year ago, Workforce Development
West Kindergarten and First grade students rocked their Holiday Music Program.
about 1 year ago, JESSICA RAY
JCMS ELA Students in Mrs. Goetten's classes are making inferences by analyzing clues to solve serious mysteries! Learning is fun at JCMS!!
about 1 year ago, Jersey Community High School