Congratulations to JCMS wrestlers Bodey Waltz and Josh Hodge on qualifying for IESA State! They will wrestle in the state finals at Northern Illinois University on March 8th and 9th with the goal of winning an IESA State Wrestling Championship!
11 months ago, Jersey Community High School
Congratulations to Tessa Crawford on her selection to the IHSA All-State Team!!!!!! Tessa attended the 3A/4A Championship game today to be recognized on the court. Congratulations on an incredible high school career, Tessa!
11 months ago, Jersey Athletics and Activities
All State
Rory Speidel, Josselyn Allen and Nick Hartley all qualify for Fresh/Soph State (non-IHSA) next weekend. Congrats!
11 months ago, Jersey Athletics and Activities
Fresh Soph State
JCHS Drafting students participated in the I.D.E.A. Regional Drafting Competition hosted by Lewis and Clark.  Everyone who participated in the event did fantastic work.  Congratulations to the JCHS students who earned medals in these divisions: Joey Goulart won silver in "Machine CAD" Hagan Buchanan won gold in "Machine CAD" Draven Kuehnel won silver in "Architectural 2D CAD" Ella Smith won bronze in "Architectural 3D CAD"
11 months ago, Workforce Development
6 JCHS students visited Lake Land Community College for their Agriculture Open House. They got the opportunity to tour the Ag Campus and hear about the different majors and certificates offered from instructors and students.
11 months ago, Workforce Development
JCMS celebrate lots of positive behavior today with our Pawsitive Panther awards.
11 months ago, Jersey Community Middle School
Happy Maintenance Appreciation Day! Today, we want to express our gratitude to our dedicated team, whose daily efforts are indispensable. From carpentry and HVAC to electrical work, plumbing, mechanics, and beyond, this crew does it all! Thank you for ensuring the smooth operation of our facilities and buses! #GoJerseyPanthers #WhereKidsComeFirst
11 months ago, Jersey CUSD No. 100
Maintenance Appreciation Day 2024
Mrs. L. Heitzig joined her class in PE today to play "Hungry Hippos"! The class selected it as their reward for completing their positive behavior chart.
11 months ago, JESSICA RAY
East Elementary's 4th grade students had a great time on their field trip to Busch Stadium. They learned all about the Cardinal logos, baseball through the years, and even did some math calculations using baseball card stats. Each classroom was able visit the Cardinal dugout and get their picture taken.
11 months ago, CARRIE MARGHERIO
Busch Stadium field trip
8th graders are so excited because they are learning to talk on the telephone today, compliments of the U of I Extension! Only two students raised their hands in this class when asked, “who has talked on a real telephone?” Most had never heard a dial tone before. Thank you for teaching our students these essential workplace skills, Mrs. Valerie!
11 months ago, Workforce Development
Kindergarten honored Dr. Seuss after reading Green Eggs & Ham by cooking their own! Many loved it and a couple weren’t too fond of it!
11 months ago, JESSICA RAY
Thursday, February 29th is the last night of the book fair at East Elementary. The book fair will be open from 4:00-6:00.
11 months ago, Jerseyville East Elementary
 JCHS Students Help Work The East Book Fair
East Book Fair
Fourth graders had a blast at Busch Stadium today! Their day included a stadium tour, logo creation, a history lesson on baseball, and even some baseball-themed math!
11 months ago, Sarah Harlan
4th Grade at the Stadium
Mrs. Zipprich's class enjoyed reading outside today!
11 months ago, JESSICA RAY
The Undivided Club founded by Kennadi Bizaillion. “It is the overall focus of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The thought of feeling left out, unwelcomed, unloved, etc. is devastating and I am striving to bring awareness into the hands of JCHS and allow students to feel unconditionally welcomed. The inherent need for each and every student to feel like they belong and have a place to call home “home” and feel accepted is becoming more and more clear. I have found a desire and passion for this, and my goal is for other students to do the same and I am working hard to make mindfulness of this very needed organization. I want everyone to know they are surrounded by love.” Pictured is the initial meeting held during Panther Time, which resulted in a packed room. New members worked to make bracelets that will be distributed later this week.
11 months ago, Workforce Development
JCHS Students interested in pursing a career in Culinary got to tour SWIC Culinary & Baking!
11 months ago, Workforce Development
JCMS PE classes are skating this week!
11 months ago, Jersey Community High School
Attention all College-Bound Senior Students & Parents! Still need to complete your FAFSA? Please see the attached announcement regarding the JCHS FAFSA Completion Open House.
11 months ago, Jersey Community High School
Congratulations to Trevor Tucker (4th place) and Nick Hartley (3rd place) on advancing to Fresh/Soph Sectionals!
11 months ago, Jersey Athletics and Activities
JCHS Jazz Ensemble earned 2nd place in their division and a Division 1 Rating at the esteemed Jazz in the Meadows Competition this weekend! Outstanding Solists awards went to Eli Hetzel, Jacob Hetzel, and Merris McDuffie Congrats to all!
11 months ago, Jersey Athletics and Activities
Jazz Band