Your Daily Sports Schedule:
V Soccer vs. Staunton - 4:15
JV Soccer vs. Staunton - 5:30
V Volleyball @ Roxana - 6:00
Good luck to all, and GO PANTHERS!

Online & in school registration for this school year will open today at 12. Returning students can complete the re-registration in Family Access. Schools will be open from 12-7PM today to assist. For more info on locations check the registration link: https://goo.gl/B5TDeP

JCHS Course Fees have been added to student accounts. You may see new fees if your student(s) are taking lab courses and/or drivers education at JCHS. Looking forward to meeting new students and existing students that didn't re-register online tomorrow.

Parents of non-public school students that are requesting Jersey 100 bus transportation need to complete the Bus Information form by Aug 13, 2018.

Check out this awesome PAC (Panther Athletic Club) video! https://youtu.be/VcBamegXOUY

With all of the construction going on in Jersey 100, the JCHS guidance office is moving downstairs to make it more secure and accessible for students & parents.

Spread the word! Middle school cross country is now being offered to JCMS & SF/HG 6, 7, & 8 grade students.
*season runs from 7/30 to 9/9
*4-6 competitive meets - 2 mile course
*$50 activity fee and updated physical required (physicals are being offered 7/17 at JCHS from 9 am - 1 pm for $25)
*7/30 at 6:30 pm - parent/athlete meeting - Sports Complex
*7/30, 8/1, 8/2 practice at 7 pm - Sports Complex (season practice schedule will be given at p/a mtg)

County School Facilities Sales Tax funds are being used to enhance student & staff safety & make necessary updates at JCMS. Watch our web site and the Jersey100 app for more information.

New web site is under development, this is going to allow for more dynamic content. Go Blue!!!

And don't forget to check out our new Android and iOS apps!

Welcome to our new website!