Your Daily Sports Schedule:
Golf @ Civic Memorial
JV/V Soccer @ Triad 4:15/5:30
7th/8th Football vs Quincy 4:30/5:30
F/JV/V Volleyball @ Waterloo 5:00/5:00/6:00

JCHS Volleyball is on FIRE! https://www.thetelegraph.com/sports/article/PREP-VOLLEYBALL-Jersey-survives-Marquette-rolls-13215304.php#photo-16138573 Thanks @altontelegraph!
Make sure to come out and support the Panther Volleyball team tonight at 6:00 at home against Southwestern!

Your Daily Sports Schedule:
Golf @ Rolling Hills vs Alton 4:00
Tennis vs Mascoutah 4:00
JV/V Soccer @ Waterloo 4:15/5:30
JV/V Volleyball vs Southwestern 6:00/7:00

Thursday's Results, Continued:
Soccer beat 8th ranked McGivney 2-1!
Golf - Marquette 159|Jersey 194|Roxana 207. Brooke Tuttle shot another solid 42, Davis Hamm 49, Alex Coffman 51, Tyler Noble 52.
We are proud of ALL of our Panthers!

Thursday's Results: First season win for JCHS Football!
https://www.riverbender.com/articles/details/panthers-snag-first-victory-of-season-thursday-night-30521.cfm Thanks @RiverBenderNews for the nice article!

Another great article about JCHS Volleyball! Keep up the momentum, girls! @altontelegraph https://www.thetelegraph.com/sports/article/WEDNESDAY-8217-S-PREP-ROUNDUP-Jersey-fends-off-13208877.php

Your Daily Sports Schedule:
V Volleyball @ EAWR/Marquette Tourney 4:30

Congrats to Coach Johns on his 1st victory as Head Football Coach of the Jersey Panthers. Great win tonight in front of Panther Nation! #GoPanthers #JerseyMade

The JCHS Volleyball team beat Marquette in 3 games to bring their record to 7-1 on the season! Thanks to all the parents and Blue Crew who came out and supported them for their first home win!

Your Daily Sports Schedule: JCMS XC @ Alton - 4:00 V Girls Tennis vs Waterloo - 4:00 V Golf @ Woodlands vs Marquette & Roxana - 4:00 JV/V Soccer @ Father McGivney - 6:00/4:30 Fr/So Football @ Belleville East - JAMBOREE - CANCELLED
V Football vs Centralia - 7:00-CHANGED FROM FRI!

Tuesday's Soccer and Tennis Results: Tennis lost to Triad 6-3. Hannah and Chelsea won their singles and doubles matches. Soccer lost a tough battle to Mascoutah 0-1.

Tuesday's Golf Results:Making progress! Tied with Roxana with 187.Lucas Benware, team medalist w/his best score of the season,43. Brooke Tuttle,46 and Alex Coffman,his best round of the season,47!
Wednesday's Golf Results:Brooke Tuttle 42, the low score for the Panthers!

Due to predicted weather on Friday 9/7/18, the JCHS varsity football game vs. Centralia has been moved to Thursday 9/6/18, 7PM at the Snyder Sports Complex. Any additional information will be posted to the website and Jersey100 app.

Your Daily Sports Schedule:
FFA Star Conference @ John Wood CC - 8:00a
7th & 8th Football @ Granite City - 4:00/5:30
V Golf vs CM & Mascoutah - 4:00
F/JV/V Volleyball vs Marquette - 5/6/7:00
Good Luck Panthers!

Good sportsmanship out of Jersey..the JCHS cheer squad has started supplying water and snacks to the opposing teams cheer squad for their bus ride home! Pictured are the JCHS cheerleaders with Marion's cheer squad.

We are proud of our JCMS Cross Country team! This weekend at Granite City, medalists included Chloe Kallal, 13th place (girls), Griffin Williams, 15th place & Alex Hubbell, 18th place (boys)!!

Your Daily Sports Schedule:
V Golf vs Roxana - 4:00
V Tennis vs Triad - 4:00
V Soccer vs Mascoutah - 4:15
JV Soccer vs Mascoutah - 5:30

There are no athletic events or activities scheduled for today. Enjoy your Labor Day!

Your Daily Sports Schedule:
V XC @ Granite City Invite - 8:30a
JCMS Softball @ Carrollton - 10:00a
F Football @ Marion - 11:00a
Best of luck to all of our athletes!

Jersey 100 & NFHS have partnered to stream events. Events will be available at no cost 48 hours after the contest, but you can subscribe for the month/$9.95, season/$30 or year/$60 & view them live.