
We LOVE your Questions!

The start of the year is always exciting but can also create a lot of anxiety.  We are ALWAYS here to help.  Please make sure that you call us at 618.498.5521 and we will help ease that anxiety and answer any questions you may have.  Recently, we have been talking with students and families about lockers, school fees, and Drivers Education. 

LOCKERS:  All eighth Grade students are provided a locker, free of charge for one year.  After eighth grade, freshman are assigned a new locker and there is a $6, one-time fee, they must pay for their new lock and locker.  They will keep this same locker for all four years.  All new 9th-12th grade students will be charged the same one time, $6 fee. Incoming freshman or new to JCHS students should stop by the offer to pay their fee and receive their locker card.  

Driver’s Education:  Students are enrolled in one quarter of Drivers Education according to their birth date.  Many students wish they could take the class sooner than the schedules may allow - HOWEVER - all students are enrolled in a class that will ensure they can obtain a Driver’s License by the time they turn 16 years of age.  If a student does not meet certain academic requirements, they will not be enrolled and this is communicated with students and families.  Students are required to have a permit for 9 months prior to their 16th birthday.  We enroll students in a quarter class that matches up with enrollment numbers and birthdates to make sure they can receive their permit within the required time frame.  

This school year, Q1 has any student with a birthdate up to 7/31/07.  Q2 has students with birth dates from August-October 31. Q3 has birth dates from November 1-February 11.  Q4 has birth dates from February 12-May 12.  For example, a student with an August 1 birth date will begin the class on October 17 and receive their permit  before October ends and will have possessed their permit for the required NINE months, ensuring that they have met requirements by their 16th birthday. 

Fees and Waivers:  Please make sure to check your fees online and pay them as soon as possible.  If you qualify for free/reduced lunch, you need to stop by the school and complete a fee waiver to have your curriculum fee removed.  If you agree to the terms for a technology grant, you will also have the fee reduced from $40 to $20.  Students must pay their technology fee before receiving  a Chromebook.