Due to hazardous road conditions, Jersey 100 will dismiss today at noon, Thursday, Feb 24, 2022.
- JCHS will allow student drivers to leave during their lunch hour.
Specifically, Students who drove to school and have 4th-period lunch will be dismissed at 10:30 today.
Students who drove to school and have 5th-period lunch will be dismissed at 11:00.
If your student driver has a younger sibling that rides with them, they will be excused at the same time.
All Students that ride a bus to school, walk, or are dropped off will be dismissed from school at 12:00 pm today
As announced earlier, there is no Pre-K afternoon classes today.
Please note:
Any further school cancelations due to weather or hazardous road conditions will be E-Learning days, and all students will then be expected to check-in and begin working per our E-learning plan by 9:00 am.