4th Quarter Grading Guidelines
KDG - 4th Grade
You may be wondering how your child will be assessed during this “Remote Learning Period”. Like you, we wonder what the rest of this school year will look like. At this time, we are holding the third quarter report cards until we learn more about the future of this school year. Under no circumstances will your child be penalized for schoolwork that could not be completed at home. At some time in the future, we will begin our transition back to in-person instruction. At that time, we will reassess our students' levels of achievement. As always, we will meet your child at his/her level and provide the appropriate instruction and/or remediation activities. We encourage you to engage your child in developmentally appropriate amounts of learning activities as provided in the Remote Learning Packets.
Mrs. Kristie Hurley, West Elementary Principal
Mrs. Kim Anderson, East Elementary Principal
Mrs. Michelle Brown, Grafton Elementary Principal
Below are the recommendations from the IL State Board of Education (ISBE) found at https://www.isbe.net/Documents...
Remote student learning during this pandemic may be formatively assessed (where possible and practical). We acknowledge that it may need to be assessed during the transition back to in-person instruction. Remote learning is designed to support student learning and continuity of education. The aim, emphasis, and focus for schoolwork assigned, reviewed, and completed during remote learning is on learning, not on compliance. All students should have the opportunity to redo, make up, or try again to complete, show progress, or attempt to complete work assigned prior to remote learning. Ideally, all Illinois students will pass their assignments during remote learning as this is a new and unprecedented set of circumstances. This is not a time for failing students or adversely impacting student learning progress. Students are expected to continue with the learning activities assigned during remote learning.