The Virtual Backpack is the place to find electronic versions of the notes and information that would appear in a child’s backpack. The District Backpack has events and information of interest to families district-wide. Each school also has a backpack with events and information of interest to families in that school.
Items included in the backpacks are accepted and posted in conjunction with the following District policy.
The Superintendent of Jersey CUSD #100 or designee is responsible for the decision to post material on school property or send material home with the students. Additionally, the Superintendent or designee is responsible for the decision of mailing material when that material is not related to a school-sponsored activity. The following guidelines must be met in order for the Superintendent or designee to consider approval of such materials:
1. Must be organization or business within the boundaries of Jersey CUSD #100.
2. Only non-profit organizations or businesses. (Exceptions may be made if it is beneficial to the students and or community).
3. If monies are involved the money must be used for a non-profit charitable event. (Exceptions may be made if it is beneficial to the students and or community).
4. No alcohol, drug, or tobacco emblem, or any other offensive image can be displayed.
5. Material cannot be used to promote or influence membership with any non-school organization or business.
To submit an item for possible inclusion in the District Backpack, please email detailed information, including contact name and phone number, to Debbie Trochuck. Attach a PDF of the event flier and/or form to appear in the backpack.
IMPORTANT: The flyer should contain the following statement:
Please contact _____________ (name of contact, organization) at___________ (phone number or e-mail) for more information. Do not call Jersey 100 schools or the District office requesting information.